上月  2019-04  下月


    1981年9月出生,籍贯安徽省安庆市怀宁县;现为哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)材料学院副教授/博士生导师。目前主要从事于光电与新能源材料领域的基础与应用研究,以第一或通讯作者在ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Advanced Electronic Materials、Chemical Engineering Journal和ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering等期刊上发表论文50余篇,现为Carbon等多个知名专业期刊审稿人。


    2002.09~2008.03  硕博连读(材料学),哈尔滨工业大学/航天学院复合材料与结构研究所            

    2016.12-2018.01  新加坡南洋理工大学/访问学者            
    2015.04-至今  哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院/博士生导师            
    2011.08-至今  哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院/副教授            
    2010.10-2011.07  哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院/助理教授            
    2008.05-2010.09  哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院/博士后            

    2011  中国材料研究学会会员            
    2012  广东省自然科学基金评审专家            
    2012  深圳市科技专家            
    2010  深圳市照明协会专家            
    2009  深圳市南山区科技专家            
    2018  国家自然科学基金评审专家

    2017.07-2020.06  深圳市基础研究(学科布局)项目:可穿戴设备用摩擦纳米发电机的制备与器件结构优化研究,200.0万元            
    2016.06-2019.06  广东省自然科学基金面上项目:薄膜图形化法制备蓝宝石表面仿生抗反射三维微纳结构的研究            
    2017.01-2020.12  国家自然科学基金面上项目(第一参与)            
    2016.06-2019.06  广东省自然科学基金重点项目(第一参与)            
    2015.09-2017.09  深圳市基础研究项目:白光LED用新型磷酸盐荧光玻璃的制备及发光性能研究            
    2014.12-2016.12  深圳市基础研究项目:高端移动智能终端触摸屏用蓝宝石的表面抗反射与自清洁研究            
    2013.07-2015.07  省部级项目          
    2010.01-2012.12  国家自然科学基金            
    2012.11-2014.09  深圳市基础研究项目            
    2009.03-2011.02  省部级项目           
    2009.08-2012.08  深圳市基础研究项目            
    2008.09-2010.10  国家博士后基金


    12. 汪桂根,叶大明,李桂钟,周海玲. 还原氧化石墨烯包覆铜纳米线导电复合材料的制备方法,国家发明专利(申请号: 201810527542.2,申请日:2018.06.22)            
    11. 汪桂根、张绪武、李桂钟、韩杰才. 摩擦纳米发电机用摩擦层材料表面粗糙化的契合结构及其制备方法,国家发明专利(申请号:201710801536.7,申请日:2017.09.07)            
    10. 汪桂根,李甲兵,王晓飞,陈友消. 一种基于氯掺杂石墨烯量子点的发光薄膜及其制备方法.,国家发明专利 (申请号:2017102545887,申请日:2017.04.18)            
    9. 汪桂根,杨奇,王晓飞,闫博,李桂钟. 稀土离子共掺杂的磷酸盐新型白光荧光玻璃及其制备方法,国家发明专利 (申请号:2017102541759,申请日:2017.04.18)            
    8. 汪桂根,董立文,韩杰才,杨奇.一种稀土离子共掺杂的铝硅酸盐新型绿光荧光粉及其制备方法,国家发明专利(专利号: ZL. 201510115144.6,已授权,授权日:2016.08.17)            
    7. 汪桂根,韩杰才,王立彦. 一种蓝宝石表面抗反射微纳结构及其制备方法,国家发明专利 (专利号:ZL 201510126108.X,已授权,授权日:2017.05.24)            
    6. 汪桂根,韩杰才,张化宇,骆琳,严帅. 蓝宝石红外窗口用氧化钇/二氧化硅增透保护膜及其制备方法,国家发明专利(专利号:ZL.201310031456.X,已授权,授权日:2016.04.13)            
    5. 张化宇,汪桂根,崔林,韩杰才. 一种避免图形失真的图形化蓝宝石衬底的制备方法,国家发明专利(专利号:ZL 201310206973.6, 已授权,授权日:2016.09.28)            
    4. 张化宇,汪桂根,崔林,韩杰才. 一种图形蓝宝石衬底的制备方法,国家发明专利(专利号:ZL. 201110356968.4,已授权,授权日:2014.05.07)            
    3. 张明福,汪桂根,韩杰才,孟松鹤,左洪波,杜善义. 一种用于测试脆性材料强度的方法及装置, 国家发明专利(公开号:CN101373173)            
    2. 韩杰才,张明福,汪桂根,杜善义,孟松鹤,左洪波. 一种×××蓝宝石晶体的方法, 国防发明专利(申请号:200810076794.4,已授权,授权日:2009.4)            
    1. 韩杰才,张明福,杜善义,左洪波,孟松鹤,汪桂根,许承海. 一种大尺寸高熔点晶体生长的加热装置及其制作方法, 国家发明专利(申请号:ZL200810064984.4,已授权,授权日:2010.12.01.)(本人为专利撰写人)

    51. Yi-Lin Liu, Cheng Yan, Gui-Gen Wang*, Hua-Yu Zhang, Le-Yang Dang, Bo-Wen Wu, Zhao-Qin Lin, Xiao-Shuai An, Jie-Cai Han. Achieving Ultrahigh Capacity with Self-assembled Ni(OH)2 Nanosheet-decorated Hierarchical Flower-like MnCo2O4.5 Nanoneedle as Advanced Electrode of Battery-Supercapacitor Hybrid Device. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2019, Accepted, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b21803            
    50. Gui-Zhong Li, Gui-Gen Wang*, Da-Ming Ye, Xu-Wu Zhang, Zhao-Qing Lin, Hai-Ling Zhou, Fei Li, Bao-Lin Wang, Jie-Cai Han. High-performance transparent and flexible triboelectric nanogenerators based on PDMS-PTFE composite films. Advanced Electronic Materials. 2019, Accepted            
    49. Xiao-Fei Wang, Gui-Gen Wang*, Jia-Bing Li, Zheng Liu, You-Xiao Chen, Long-Fei Liu, Jie-Cai Han. Direct white emissive Cl-doped graphene quantum dots-based flexible film as a single luminophore for remote tunable UV-WLEDs. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019, 361: 773-782            
    48. Xiao-Fei Wang, Gui-Gen Wang*, Jia-Bing Li, Zheng Liu*, Wen-Feng Zhao, Jie-Cai Han.Towards high-powered remote WLED based on flexible white-luminescent polymer composite films containing S, N co-doped graphene quantum dots. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2018, 336: 406-415            
    47. Xu-Wu Zhang, Gui-Zhong Li, Gui-Gen Wang*, Ji-Li Tian, Yi-Lin Liu, Zheng Liu, Hua-Yu Zhang, Jie-Cai Han. High-performance triboelectric nanogenerator with double-surface shape-complementary microstructures prepared by using simple sandpaper templates. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2018, 6: 2283-2291            
    46. Meng-Qiu Li, NiYang, Gui-Gen Wang*, Hua-YuZhang,Jie-Cai Han. Highly Preferred Orientation of Ga2O3 Films Sputtered on SiC Substrates for Deep UV Photodetector Application. Applied Surface Science. 2019, 471: 694-702            
    45.Da-Ming Ye, Gui-Zhong Li, Gui-Gen Wang*, Zhao-Qin Lin, Hai-Ling Zhou, Yi-Lin Liu, Jie-Cai Han. One-pot synthesis of copper nanowire decorated by reduced graphene oxide with excellent oxidation resistance and stability.Applied Surface Science. 2019, 467-468: 158-167            
    44. Zhao-Qing Lin, Gui-Gen Wang*, Lin-Han Li, Hui Wang, Ji-Li Tian, Hua-Yu Zhang, Jie-Cai Han. Preparation and protection of ZnS surface sub-wavelength structure for infrared window. Applied Surface Science. 2019, 470: 395-404            
    43.Gui-Gen Wang*, Zhao-Qing Lin, Dong-Dong Zhao, Jie-Cai Han. Enhanced transmission and self-cleaning of patterned sapphire substrates prepared by wet chemical etching using silica masks. Langmuir. 2018, 34: 8898-8903.            
    42.Bo Yan, Gui-Gen Wang,* Long-Fei Liu, Xin-Zhong Wang,You-Xiao Chen and Jie-Cai Han.Color-Tunable Al6Si2O13:Eu2+,Mn2+ Phosphor with High Color Rendering Index Based on Energy Transfer for Warm White LED. New Journal of Chemistry. 2018, 42: 15207-15214            
    41. Ballipalli Chandra Babu, Gui-Gen Wang*, Andrew P. Baker, Bao-Lin Wang. Synthesis, photoluminescence, energy transfer and thermal stability of SmPO4@SiO2:Eu3+ core-shell structured red phosphors for WLEDs. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2018, 766: 74-97            
    40. Long-Fei Liu, Gui-Gen Wang*, Qi Yang, Bo Yan, Hua-Yu Zhang, Jie-Cai Han. Highly thermally stable single-component warm-white-emitting ZANP glass: Synthesis, luminescence, energy transfer, and color tunability. Ceramics International. 2018, 44(10): 11693-11701            
    39. Rui Sun, Qing-Chun Peng, Gui-Gen Wang*. Fabrication and UV photoresponse of GaN nanowire-film hybrid films on sapphire substrates by chemical vapor deposition method. Materials Letters. 2018, 217: 288-291.            
    38. Zhao-Qing Lin, Gui-Gen Wang*, Ji-Li Tian, Li-Yan Wang, Dong-Dong Zhao, Zheng Liu, Jie-Cai Han. Broad-band anti-reflective pore-like sub-wavelength surface nanostructures on sapphire for optical windows. Nanotechnology. 2018, 29(5): 055302            
    37. B. ChandraBabu, Gui-Gen Wang*, Bo Yan, Qi Yang, Andrew P. Baker. Effects of Cr3+ addition on the structure and optical properties of -Zn2SiO4 synthesized by sol-gel method. Ceramics International. 2018, 44(1): 938-946            
    36. Nallamala Kiran, A.P. Baker, Gui-Gen Wang*. Synthesis and luminescence properties of MgO: Sm3+ phosphor for white light-emitting diodes. Journal of Molecular Structure. 2017, 1129: 211-215            
    35. Ji-Li Tian,Gui-Gen Wang,Hua-Yu Zhang,Jie-Cai Han. Nanopore diameterdependent properties of thin three-dimensional ZnO layers deposited onto nanoporous silicon substrates. Ceramics International. 2017, 43(6): 5173-5181            
    34. Xiao-Fei Wang, Qi Yang, Gui-Gen Wang*, Xin-Zhong Wang, Jie-Cai Han. A new single-component KCaY(PO4)2:Dy3+, Eu3+ nanosized phosphor with high color-rendering index and excellent thermal resistance for warm-white NUV-LED. RSC Advances. 2016, DOI: 10.1039/C6RA20912B            
    33. Ji-Li Tian, Gui-Gen Wang*, Hua-Yu Zhang. Three-dimensional deposition of ZnO thin layer on nanopatterned silicon substrate. Materials Letters. 2016, 181: 34-37            
    32. Gui-Gen Wang*, Xiao-Fei Wang, Li-Wen Dong, Qi Yang. Synthesis and photoluminescence of green-emitting Ce3+, Tb3+ co-doped Al6Si2O13 phosphors with high thermal stability for white LEDs. RSC Advances. 2016, 6: 42770-42777            
    31. Ji-Li Tian,Gui-Gen Wang*,Hua-Yu Zhang,Effect of Annealing Atmosphere on the Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO Thin Films on Si (100) Substrates Grown by Atomic Layer Deposition. Journal of Nano Research,2016,37: 92-98            
    30. Ji-Li Tian, Gui-Gen Wang*, Hua-Yu Zhang, Jie-Cai Han. Large-Scale Preparation of Uniform Nanopatterned Silicon Substrates by Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching Using Self-Assembled Anodic Alumina Masks. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. 2016, 5(6): 320-323            
    29. D. Rajesh, K. Brahmachary, Y.C. Ratnakaram, N. Kiran, A.P. Baker, Guigen Wang*. Energy transfer based emission analysis of Dy3+/Eu3+ co-doped ZANP glasses for white LED applications. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2015, 646: 1096-1103            
    28. Ji-Li Tian, Hua-Yu Zhang, Gui-Gen Wang*, Xin-Zhong Wang, Rui Sun, Lei Jin, Jie-Cai Han. Influence of film thickness and annealing temperature on the structural and optical properties of ZnO thin films on Si (100) substrates grown by atomic layer deposition. Superlattices and Microstructures. 2015, 83: 719-729            
    27. Qing-Feng Wang, Ying Liu, Yu Wang, Wenxi Wang, Yi Wan, Gui-Gen Wang*, Zhou-Guang Lu*. Considerable photoluminescence enhancement of LiEu(MoO4)2 red phosphors via Bi and/or Si doping for white LEDs. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2015, 625: 355-361            
    26. Gui-Gen Wang*, Jie Zeng, Jie-Cai Han, Li-Yi Wang. Highly transparent and conductive Ga-doped ZnO films with good thermal stability prepared by dual-target reactive sputtering. Materials Letters. 2014, 137: 307-310            
    25. Rui Sun, Hua-Yu Zhang, Gui-Gen Wang*, Jie-Cai Han, Can Zhu, Xiao-Peng Liu, Lin Cui. Selective growth and characterization of gallium nitride nanowires through an N-Ga2O3 layer. Ceramics International. 2014, 40: 13967-13970            
    24. Lin Cui, Jie-Cai Han, Gui-Gen Wang*, Hua-Yu Zhang, Rui Sun, Ling-Hua Li. Large-scale fabrication of nanopatterned sapphire substrates by annealing of patterned Al thin films by soft UV-nanoimprint lithography. Nanoscale Research Letters. 2013, 8: 472            
    23. Rui Sun, Hua-Yu Zhang, Gui-Gen Wang* Jie-Cai Han, Xin-Zhong Wang, Lin Cui, Xu-Ping Kuang, Can Zhu, Lei Jin. Effect of thickness on the microstructure, surface morphology and optical properties of N-incorporated β-Ga2O3 films. Superlattices and Microstructures, 2014, 65: 146-151            
    22. Lin Cui, Gui-Gen Wang*, Hua-Yu Zhang, Jie-Cai Han, Xu-Ping Kuang, Ji-Li Tian, Rui Sun. Fabrication of nanopatterned sapphire substrates by annealing of patterned Al thin films by Laser Interference Lithography. Applied Physics A. 2014, 115(1): 159-165            
    21. Lin Cui, Gui-Gen Wang*, Hua-Yu Zhang, Jie-Cai Han. Effect of exposure parameters and annealing on the structure and morphological properties of nanopatterned sapphire substrates prepared by solid state reaction. Ceramics International. 2014, 40(3): 4731–4737            
    20. Rui Sun, Gui-Gen Wang*, Hua-Yu Zhang, Jie-Cai Han, Xin-Zhong Wang, Lin Cui, Xu-Ping Kuang, Can Zhu, Lei Jin. Microstructure, surface morphology and optical properties of N-incorporated Ga2O3 thin films on sapphire substrates. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2013, 580: 517-521            
    19. Rui Sun, Hua-Yu Zhang, Gui-Gen Wang*, Jie-Cai Han, Xin-Zhong Wang, Xu-Ping Kuang, Lin Cui, Lei Jin, Ji-Li Tian. Influence of annealing atmosphere on the structure, morphology and transmittance of N-incorporated Ga2O3 films. Superlattices and Microstructures. 2013, 60: 257-262            
    18. Lin Cui, Hua-Yu Zhang, Gui-Gen Wang*, Jie-Cai Han. Effect of ZnO sacrificial layer thickness on the structure and optical properties of GaN nanoparticles prepared by RF magnetron sputtering. Applied Physics A. 2013, 113:161-166            
    17. 桂全宏,周福强,汪桂根*,崔林,黎凌华,严帅,韩杰才. 高效大功率LED用蓝宝石图形衬底制备的研究进展. 功能材料. 2012, 21(43): 2886-2892            
    16. Lin Cui, Gui-Gen Wang*, Hua-Yu Zhang, Rui Sun, Xu-Ping Kuang, Jie-Cai Han. Effect of film thickness and annealing temperature on the structural and optical properties of ZnO thin films deposited on sapphire (0001) substrates by sol-gel. Ceramic International. 2013, 39(3): 3261-3268            
    15. Xu-Ping Kuang, Hua-Yu Zhang, Gui-Gen Wang*, Lin Cui, Can Zhu, Lei Jin, Rui Sun, Jie-Cai Han. AlN films prepared on 6H-SiC substrates under various sputtering pressures by RF reactive magnetron sputtering. Applied Surface Science. 2012, 263: 62-68            
    14. 崔 林, 汪桂根*, 张化宇, 周福强, 韩杰才. 用于GaN基发光二极管的蓝宝石图形衬底制备进展. 无机材料学报(SCI). 2012, 27 (9): 897-905            
    13. Xu-Ping Kuang, Hua-Yu Zhang, Gui-Gen Wang*, Lin Cui, Can Zhu, Lei Jin, Rui Sun, Jie-Cai Han. Effect of deposition temperature on the microstructure and surface morphology of c-axis oriented AlN films deposited on sapphire substrate by RF reactive magnetron sputtering. Superlattices and Microstructures. 2012, 52(5): 931-940            
    12.Gui-Gen Wang*, Xu-Ping Kuang, Hua-Yu Zhang, Can Zhu, Jie-Cai Han, Hong-Bo Zuo, Hong-Tao Ma. Silicon nitride gradient film as the underlayer of ultra-thin tetrahedral amorphous carbon overcoat for magnetic recording slider. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2011, 131(1-2): 127-131            
    11.Lin Cui, Hua-Yu Zhang, Gui-Gen Wang*, Fang-Xu Yang, Xu-Ping Kuang, Rui Sun, Jie-Cai Han. Effect of annealing temperature and annealing atmosphere on the structure and optical properties of ZnO thin films on sapphire (0001) substrates by magnetron sputtering. Applied Surface Science. 2012, 258(7): 2479-2485            
    10.Gui-Gen Wang*, Hua-Yu Zhang, Wen-Yan Li, Fang-Xu Yang, Lin Cui, Hong-Bo Zuo, Jie-Cai Han. The preparation and evaluation of graded multilayer ta-C films deposited by FCVA method. Applied Surface Science. 2011, 257(11): 5064–5069            
    9. Guigen Wang*, Hongbo Zuo, Huayu Zhang, Qibao Wu, Mingfu Zhang, Xiaodong He, Zhao hui Hu, Lin Zhu. Preparation, quality characterization, service performance evaluation and its modification of sapphire crystal for optical window and dome application. Materials and Design. 2010, 31(2): 706-711            
    8. Gui-Gen Wang*, Ming-Fu Zhang, Qi-Bao Wu, Hua-Yu Zhang, Hong-Bo Zuo, Jie-Cai Han, Xiao-Dong He, and Wan-Xia Huang. Synchrotron X-ray diffraction studies of large sapphire crystal grown by Kyropoulos-like method. Physica Status Solidi (a). 2010, 207(1): 92-96            
    7. Gui-Gen Wang*, Hua-Yu Zhang, Hong-Fei Zhou, Xu-Ping Kuang, Qi-Bao Wu, Hong-Bo Zuo, Jie-Cai Han, Hong-Tao Ma. Effect of ECR-assisted microwave plasma nitriding treatment on the microstructural characteristics of FCVA deposited ultra-thin ta-C film for high-density magnetic storage applications. Applied Surface Science. 2010, 256(10): 3024-3030            
    6. Gui-Gen Wang*, Jie-Cai Han, Hua-Yu Zhang, Ming-Fu Zhang, Hong-Bo Zuo, Zhao-Hui Hu, and Xiao-Dong He. Radiation resistance of synthetic sapphire crystal irradiated by low-energy neutron flux. Crystal Research and Technology. 2009, 44(9): 995-1000            
    5. Guigen Wang, Mingfu Zhang, Jiecai Han, Xiaodong He, Hongbo Zuo and Xinhong Yang. High-temperature infrared and dielectric properties of large sapphire crystal for seeker dome application. Crystal Research and Technology. 2008, 43(5): 531-536            
    4. Guigen Wang, Mingfu Zhang, Hongbo Zuo, Chenghai Xu, Xiaodong He, Jiecai Han. Dislocation Analysis for Large-sized Sapphire Single Crystal Grown by SAPMAC Method. Chinese Journal of Structral Chemistry. 2007, 26(11): 1330-1334            
    3. Guigen Wang, Mingfu Zhang, Hongbo Zuo, Xiaodong He, Jiecai Han. Investigation on Large-Sized Sapphire Crystalline Perfection by X-Ray Double-Crystal Diffraction Method. Key Engineering Materials. 2007, 353-358: 1521-1524            
    2. 汪桂根,左洪波,张明福,赫晓东,韩杰才,许承海,杨鑫宏,Grigoryan Benik. 大尺寸氧化铝单晶的光谱和色心研究. 稀有金属材料与工程(SCI). 2007, 36: 457-460.            
    1. Guigen Wang, Mingfu Zhang, Hongbo Zuo, Xiaodong He, Jiecai Han. Study on Inclusions in Large Sapphire Optical Crystal Grown by SAPMAC Method. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. 2006, 19: 31-35.


    哈工大深圳研究生院材料科学与工程学院  主讲《半导体器件基础》专业课程(涉及较重要的几种半导体光电器件:LED、半导体激光器、光电探测器和光伏电池),负责《先进材料表征技术》院重点实验课程的建设(备注:四位老师合讲)。曾指导毕业23名硕士生、出站博士后1名、协助指导3名博士生;现指导2017级硕士生4名(其中合作指导2名)、2018级硕士生4名(其中合作指导2名)、博士生3名(其中合作指导2名);博士后3名。            